How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership 2024

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

Anytime Fitness is the epitome of bodybuilding, with over 4700 functional clubs worldwide. Their gyms have massive and luxurious gym equipment (including studios) designed to appeal to and attract users.

Besides that, they also have a pool of customer service teams and fitness professionals who aim to make you feel great and look good without breaking the bank.

While their services are undeniably top-tier, circumstances such as shifting to a new town or neighbourhood, a medical condition, or needing a new experience might inform your decision to suspend or terminate your Anytime Fitness subscription.

Whether online, in person, or over a phone call, you will have several termination options that are easy to implement. However, it’s essential to know that Anytime Fitness termination might warrant you to pay a cancellation fee determined by their fitness team.

Continue reading to learn how to cancel your gym membership, the fees charged, and the benefits of membership termination.

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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Fortunately, you can seize the existence of your Anytime Fitness Membership remotely. You only need to follow the step below to complete the process smoothly and precisely. Here is how to do it:

  • Head over to Anytime Fitness’s official website.

  • Use your password and name to enter your account to access the membership portal.

  • Move to the membership termination section and click on the cancellation option to gain more access to the page.

  • Add details like membership number, club address, name, and termination date.

  • Click on the proceed button after incorporating these details.

  • Give the system a few minutes to determine the termination cost and other information.

  • From there, you’ll know the amount you’re supposed to pay for your termination.

  • And there you have it; you will receive a membership cancellation email to complete the process.

However, you can visit their official website to evaluate the termination status if you don’t access the mail. You can do this through the “Membership Status” option to access the termination.

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership In Person

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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While you can terminate your Anytime Fitness plan remotely, you can also do it by visiting your membership. However, this might be convenient if you live near your fitness club. Below are in-person termination methods:

  • Go to the Anytime Fitness department.

  • Access front desk service and express your desire to terminate your membership.

  • They’ll inquire about your termination reason and the cancellation date.

  • You’ll then have access to the termination form, where you’ll add your fitness number, address, name, gym address, sign-in, and termination date.

  • Once that’s done, verify the details before submitting them to customer service.

  • They will determine the cancellation fee you must pay.

  • After they provide the exact termination figure, pay to finish the process.

  • The benefit of in-person termination is that the entire process is done in less than 24 hours.

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership Over Phone

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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Even though you can do in-person or online membership termination, Anytime Fitness also provide a cancellation system over a single phone call. Let’s have a look at how you can make this process a success:

  • Access Anytime’s a too free number.

  • Choose English, Spanish or other languages you are comfortable communicating with.

  • Tell the service executive your desire to terminate your gym membership.

  • From there, you’ll need to explain the reason for termination. If it’s because of medical issues, expect the fee to be waived wholly or partly.

  • Now provide details such as gym number, address, name, joining and termination date.

  • Wait as they determine the termination fee and pay.

  • You’ll have successfully terminated your gym membership by going through this process.

Is It Easy to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership?

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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The most challenging aspect of being an Anytime Fitness, the user, or perhaps any other famous club, is the cancellation process which is often tiresome and demanding. However, before you decide to terminate your association, carefully read the cancellation clause in the membership contract. This significantly helps you “uncomplicate” the cancelling procedure.

Does Anytime Fitness Have the Option of Pausing/ Holding Your Membership

Yes, you can pause your gym membership with Anytime Fitness. However, this can only happen after confirmation that you’ve regularly paid for your plan. Below are some of the things you need to ensure are fulfilled before freezing your membership temporarily:

  • If a deal is set, there must be at least two weeks before the period’s end.

  • You can suspend an account for up to three months twice if it is a one-year commitment.

  • Nevertheless, the Franchise permits you to freeze half a year plan for three months if you are unwell, travelling, or experiencing some other difficulty. In all of these scenarios, you must provide evidence to support them.

  • The freeze cost, which varies based on the particular club, is something the corporation requires you to pay during the pause time. However, in most circumstances, it is $5 each month.

Once you have confirmed your payment, your gym membership plan will be temporarily frozen until you can proceed.

What Happens if You Cancel Direct Debit Anytime Fitness?

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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Overall, Anytime Fitness immediately deducts your membership costs from the card you have on file. Depending on your membership package, the renewals happen automatically as well.

Following the Franchise’s biller’s agreement, you may use Direct Debit to pay your membership dues. Because of this, even if the conditions for cancelling the billing agreement are the same as those for the credit card affiliation, you sign it individually.

Unfortunately, this also implies that failure to terminate your membership, the fee will still be made even when you seize use of the club—this is true even when payment is made via direct debit.

So cancelling the subscription would be the best course of action. Luckily, your payment method won’t be used or money deducted after your termination is accepted. For further details, refer to your direct debit contract.

The Direct Debit order is completed seamlessly after your subscription’s term; customers aren’t required to terminate it. The processing of your membership termination may take longer if you withdraw your Direct Debit instruction, and additional fees can be assessed.

Is There a Free Trial with Anytime Fitness?

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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Yes, Anytime Fitness offers an initial trial for free to all newcomers. The way Anytime Fitness treats all of its visitors is one of the characteristics that everyone admires about them. You may get all the assistance and friendliness you need at a gym from them.

Additionally, you get a complimentary fitness centre pass for at least seven days. You will get seven days to experience all the club’s amenities, service delivery, activities, and facilities. Then, you can determine on your own if the club is right for you.

Freeze, Cancel & Transfer

Anytime Fitness permits freezing and termination of memberships, as was previously mentioned. Therefore, a provision offers you the option to briefly deactivate or freeze the membership whether you need time away from the club due to sickness, journeys, shifting, or other circumstances.

Additionally, you may transfer your Anytime Fitness membership to anyone you want. As a result, you may always initiate a transfer if you wish another person to take over your subscription, particularly for fixed subscriptions.

Nonetheless, you must adhere to certain conditions before completing this process. Here are some of the conditions:

  • Your membership has to be current and up to date with the payment.

  • For instance, if it’s an organisation’s membership, the individual you switch the subscription to must be allowed to continue it.

  • The following person will execute a new subscription with an appropriate balance for the shortest possible subscription, make the required payments, or execute a direct debit payment arrangement.

  • Like other new members, they will also supply information about their identity, including a picture. Additionally, they will cover the new member joining costs.

  • Additionally, they will get a key fob that will provide them access to all AF services and facilities.

  • Remember that if you give your membership to someone else, your right to the subscription is forfeited.

You may receive an Anytime Transfer from one particular organisation to another and give your subscription to someone else. Nevertheless, for the switch to another Anytime Fitness facility to be effective, the following guidelines will apply:

  • You frequently use other gyms for a minimum of three days in a row each month, with 50% of that time spent there.

  • You must spend at least four times in every one of at least two separate intervals at another club, utilising the facilities for at least 100% of that time.

  • When you seek to move from your current club, you must sign an additional agreement with the conditions of the new team.

Can Anytime Fitness Cancel Your Membership?

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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Unfortunately, Anytime Fitness has the power and capability to terminate your membership whenever they deem fit.  However, they can only do so following the conditions and criteria below:

  • If you violate the terms of the contract and the violation cannot be made good. AF can also terminate your account if it is fixable and you don’t contribute to fixing it within the appropriate period. Among other things specified in the arrangement, violating the terms might damage their property or cause an unwillingness to follow the laws.

  • If you don’t inform the administration of your incapacity to pay fees and memberships in case of insolvency and bankruptcy.

Anytime Fitness Cancellation Fee

While there is a cancellation charge at Anytime Fitness, several things affect how much you would need to spend.  A maximum of 50% of the remaining amount for the minimum term or the equivalent of 30 days’ worth of membership fees must be paid to terminate your Anytime Fitness agreement before the minimum term expires.

That means you contribute half of the amount you would’ve had to pay for the remainder of the year if you have six months before the initial term expires.

If you decide to terminate your membership with Anytime Fitness, that was the cancellation charge. However, if you cannot continue due to a medical problem, your total cancellation charge would be equivalent to the cost of your 30-day subscription. But you may need to submit a doctor’s note to take advantage of this perk.

Moving to an alternate premise over 15 kilometres from your present location may also reduce your Anytime Fitness termination charge. In such an instance, the sum of your termination price will be equal to the company’s 30-day fee.

The costs for cancelling your Anytime Fitness subscription before your initial term is up are summarised here. However, when your minimum term has ended, you can quit your membership whenever you choose without paying a cost, as long as you offer 30 days’ notice.

Additionally, you may cancel your membership without paying the price if you discover that the club is not abiding by any of the conditions you mutually agreed to when you signed the agreement.

What You Need to Know Before Canceling Your Anytime Fitness Membership

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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When you cancel your membership plan with Anytime Fitness, you need to have all the information you need. Here are a few standout things you must know to avoid inconveniences as you wait to cancel your fitness membership:

Understanding Anytime Fitness’ Cancellation Policy

If you want to cancel your membership at Anytime Fitness, you must adhere to their severe termination clause. You may need to submit written notice of your fitness plan to cancel, considering, or you can do it via phone. In any scenario, carefully review the conditions and terms to understand what is required of you.

Checking for Unused Payments or Services

Assess any unused fees or amenities you may be entitled to before terminating your fitness membership. You could qualify for a refund or credit toward future services if you paid in advance or made any extra payments. Before terminating your membership, make sure to find out more about this.

How to Avoid Extra Fees When Canceling Your Anytime Fitness Membership

Cancelling Anytime Fitness plan can be life-changing, with benefits that might accrue, such as time flexibility and cost saving. However, it might be disastrous when done without considering the contract terms.

Not to worry, below are some of the things you should know before cancelling Anytime Fitness membership to avoid losing money:

Read the Terms and Conditions Carefully

Before terminating the membership plan, you must understand the terms and conditions. This will inform you of additional fees, costs or penalties that might accrue once you cancel Anytime Fitness membership. In particular, give more attention to the cancellation policy since it is where all the hidden financial traps might be.

Request a Refund for Any Unused Services

You can request a refund if you paid for personal training but have not received the service. This will ensure you’re compensated for unfulfilled services. You will have to inquire to understand the deal’s particulars.

The Benefits of Canceling Your Anytime Fitness Membership

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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While cancelling your AF subscription can lead to uncertainty and confusion, it has benefits that might light your mood. Here are the benefits of cancelling your membership you need to know:

Saving Money on Monthly Payments

Those who aren’t following up on their workout routines or are simply too busy to deviate to working out consistently as before can cancel their membership and still benefit. This is a great idea to save a few bucks monthly from your membership if you have a contract.

While having a contract can help you save money quickly, the same can be applied to those who don’t have existing contracts. However, they might have to wait longer to see any benefit.

Allowing More Flexibility in Your Fitness Routine

In life, we need flexibility, and it might not be a great idea to subscribe to a membership plan that will require you to avail yourself daily (or depending on your workout routine) and risk losing money when you can’t make it.

You must cancel the Anytime Fitness subscription to regain flexibility and control over your time and resources. This will allow you to try home workouts or outdoor activities to improve your health and time management.

Final Thoughts

While Anytime Fitness membership is a great place to get jacked and maintain good mental health, a few elements might throw you off. If this is the case, you can discontinue your membership and look for a better place that fits your needs.

Depending on where you are, you can secure another membership from their multiple branches, since not all clubs are similar. So evaluate your options and make the right fitness decision today.


Can I Freeze My Anytime Fitness Membership?

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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Yes, Anytime Fitness allows members to stop their membership anytime. The best part is that you can freeze the membership twice if you’re under ar 12-month plan, which can run for three months.  To complete the account freezing process, ensure to content your home club using their email information.

How Can I Contact Anytime Fitness Customer Support?

Accessing the service section on their primary website, Anytime Fitness members may contact their service team if they have any questions or need help with their fitness membership plan. They may be reached via phone at 1-800-704-5004. Alternatively, you can use [email protected] to connect with their service workforce.

Can I Cancel My Direct Debit For Anytime Fitness?

Based on the information aviled by Anytime Fitness, it’s unacceptable to disregard your Direct Debit as this will interfere with the whole gym cancellation. On top of that, they might have additional chargers, which might not be convenient for you. So keep your Direct Debit on the subscription to avoid inconveniences and charges during cancellation.

How Much Do Gym Memberships Cost?

Gym membership mainly depends on the place you get assistance and your budget. That means you can secure a membership based on your budget and desire.  While there might be discounts, the price often ranges between $10-$300 monthly, which leaves you with the picking decision.

Nonetheless, to decide on the best deals, you’ll need to check the services the gym offers, the personnel, and their equipment. Also, consider the distance and evaluate whether it’s convenient based on where you stay or work.

Is a Gym Membership Worth It?

How to Cancel Anytime Fitness Membership

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A gym membership is the gateway to physical compactness and well-being. It’s where you get all the support you need to lose weight, gain muscle and have a healthy life. That means that all regular visitors need to subscribe to a membership to ensure they receive quality assistance. Moreover, a gym membership will also help you interact with other gym enthusiasts so that you learn things you don’t know.

Moreover, you need a gym membership for more space or peace to do your daily workout at home. It’s also cost-effective for folks who don’t want to break the bank or don’t have the finances to invest in home gym equipment which costs a fortune. A gym membership can also boost your workout morale, as you’ll see many other people dedicated to their workout routines, which might inspire you.

Can Joining a Gym Help Me Lose Weight?

Consistent workouts aid in weight reduction attempts, mainly if you work out more than the suggested amount. You’ll have access to various gym cardio equipment, weightlifting machines and courses, which may inspire you to do various routines.

However, acquiring a gym membership doesn’t ensure you’ll work out often. Even if they have the best intentions, many people find training exhausting because they are preoccupied or need more motivation.

What Should I Wear to the Gym?

Apparel for exercise must be constructed of light, airy, and moisture-wicking materials, like polyester blends and spandex. Technical materials will keep you cool and chafe-free since exercising may cause excessive perspiration. Your choice of loose or tight-fitting clothing is acceptable so long as it is cozy and offers a complete range of mobility.

Are There Any Fees Associated With Canceling My Membership?

This entirely depends on the type of membership you have secured and the terms and conditions you agreed and signed. While many memberships will not ask you to pay even a dime, some need you to avail of the cancellation fee. However, this often happens when you seize the need for the membership before the contract expires. That means you must read the terms carefully before obliging to the deal.

Will I Get a Refund If I Cancel My Membership Early?

Suppose you have paid in advance for any services or made extra payments will depend on the particulars of the agreement you have. You could be qualified for reimbursement or credit towards the following services. Before terminating your membership, make sure to find out more about this.

Can I Put My Membership on Hold Instead of Canceling?

Yes, many gyms allow you to suspend your membership rather than cancel it. This enables you to continue using your membership while temporarily pausing payments until you can rejoin. Before making a choice, be sure to learn more about this possibility.

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